Wednesday, August 31, 2011

21 weeks.......................

Holy Lola!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I haven't written anything in so long. I will use the excuse of having a newborn as not being able to write anything. There, I have done it. I have used my child as a reason for not doing things. I plan on using him as my excuse for everything that I fail to do from here on. Forever.

Lots to catch up so let me begin......................

I'm so tired.

So very very tired.

We recently went home for a few days and it definatly was great and wierd. It was great to see everyone and spend time with friends. It was great for Athan to see everyone and for everyone to meet Alex. For those that we saw, LOVED seeing you all!!! For those that we didn't get to see, we will definately try when we are back again.

It was wierd because I have only served 13% of my sentence hear and yet I feel like I have been away for much longer. We visited with friends .........but then went home to my mom's house(on this note I will reflect more on)/ We saw our neighbors and our house to check on our tenant(on this I will reflect more on as well) ............but we had to knock to get into our home. We threw Athan a little party .........but at my it's all the things we have always done but the end result is that we are guests doing things on others that was wierd.

So we stayed mostly at my mom's house which is a 3 bedroom raised ranch. Things were a little tight there. Trying to keep a 2 month old asleep with the Greeks is near impossible. There were several times when Theo and I looked at each other and thought we should get a hotel or we should we I mean just theo and I!!!!!! Sacrifice the kids for our own sanity............we can make new ones.....improved ones now that we know what we are doing!!!!!

Athan's birthday party was great fun and he is still talking about it. It was really great to see everyone but there never seems to be enough time to spend with everyone. I felt like I was constantly running to get stuff or start a one point the kids were chanting "we want Cake" I told them all that if this was Wisconsin,  unionizing will not work!!

This past weekend we went to Milwaukee and caught the Cubs/Brewers game and had some awesome seats in a suite courtesy of Flo!!! Thanks Flo!!! Sadly, I lost my phone. Mar posted a photo of me in the suite with my phone so I know I had it there. I'm not sure how I lost it.......I know I was drunk but I usually grab everything I can when I am drunk and stuff it in my purse regardless of what it is. Sadly, it was never found. We then went to the casino and we won so at least I made money to buy a new phone but losing your phone sucks.

Anyone who has vacationed with me knows that my vacations are usually a mixed bag of good and bad for me. I may get a nice tan but get thrown from a moped that scars my body. I may meet a real nice guy but end up being wanted by the police for stealing a security car. This vacation is no different. Let me sum up :

Thurs: Arrive in early morning, tired.
Friday: Mom get checked into hospital for 2 days (she is fine)
Sat: Worked the summerfest for Little Hands Big HEarts:) But it rained so hard the whole time I was there but got to see some of my work friends!!!!Meet up with friends after mom gets released from hospital (anyone who is questioning why I would go out and leave my kids behind with my mother who JUST got released from the hospital, SHHHHH don't judge.......... the doctor said she was fine)
Sunday: Have party---great day!!!
Mon/Tues/ Wed----mom has dr.s appointment, weather pretty shitty, fight with the family, photo shoot gets rescheduled, BUT got to spend a lot of time with my niece:)
Thursday: Photo shoot gets cancelled(photographer was really sick so these past two days were probably worse for her than me but I digress)
Fri: Great day, great friends!!! Rental car had some issues:), Locked out of brothers house for a bit, no power either. Had dinner with my Ex-neighbors from growing up---so funny!!!! Jan seemed to get a kick out of my story about my dad painting squirrels, and then went out with  my Greek Girls!!!! Had my date with Rich which he said he thought went really well........cross your fingers!!!!!!
Saturday: Great day at the ballgame, lost phone, won at the casino, slept in the apartment for the very last time, my cat doesn't know me anymore, and very tired.
Sunday: Drove home, so tired, visited neighbors!!! Saw and inspected my house:( visited with my brother in law and sister in law:) Had my godmother's family over:):) Packed for the next day.
Monday: said good bye:( early in the morning:( and arrived to my dusty condo, which I started to clean:(

So that was the gist of it!! So good and bad through the whole thing.

So Athan starts preschool in a few days. He did well overall at his summer camp so I have high hopes for him this school year. A few things about this:

I forgot to register him for the school year. I remembered at the last minute so now he has to go to a different school in Bellevue. This is not necessarily a bad thing but this school is in the richest part of Bellevue and I gotta feeling Athan is going to need to be better dressed this year than the shlubby stuff I sent him to camp in!!! Plus I imagine that I am going to have look better when I drop him off than before. I am thinking Theo's t-shirts, flip flops, and saggy jeans is not going to cut it. Plus I may have to brush my hair before I leave in the morning. Plus, I may have to wear every piece of jewelry that has diamonds on it----so basically my engagement and wedding rings:)

In regards to Athan's summer camp....remember Miss "Sue"? She was the teacher that asked I work more with Athan on cleaning up and raising his hand etc. Miss "Sue" did not finish the summer program. About half way though Miss "Sue" left. I never asked why. I am assuming my call to the INS to check her immigration status may have something to do with it, but I try not to blame myself for these things that I think would have happened anyway.(for the record, I did really like Miss "Sue" other than her critical thoughts on my child and I did not call the INS).

Alex is doing well. He has doubled his weight since birth so he will be my chunky child!!! Love him so much. He's smiling and laughing a bit. Since he's my best friend at the moment, I am glad we can bond and share things together.....sleepless nights and poop seem to be our mutual hobbies right now.

So I have a new hobby of sorts......................does everyone want to know it?

My new hobby is shopping for clothes and items related to working out. Yep, I actually bought a new pair of gym shoes that were ......A) not $9.99 B) NOT shining bright white(this I found is a giveaway to others for when they ask me if I have new gym shoes on and that pair is 7 years old, it lets people know that I don't wear them that much thus don't work out that much) C) the right size-----for some reason I never had gym shoes that were actually my size. Now, I also had to buy a bunch of work out clothes because Id idn't have any...sure I had two sports bras but one was from 8th grade----I'm not kidding..I really think it was 8th grade and the other was from high school or early college. So that is my new hobby.......buying workout stuff. One day I hope to wear these items to go workout!!!! Now you may be asking "But Debbie, haven't you always worked out?" No. I haven't always worked out. Many people think that due to my previous size perhaps I worked out but that would be wrong. However, I am not sure what seems to be wrong now though because after having Alex, I lost weight but now I am gaining weight. It's wierd. So I have decided than if I want to continue to eat the items I love, I will have to compensate by working out. I am hoping Septemeber 1st to be my starting point. I like to start things on the 1st of months. I think it makes it easier to then keep track. So wish me luck on September 1st!!!!!!!!

I think that's it for now or at least as much as I can memory is spotty lately so I forget any funny things that may have happened that I thought I would write about. I am sure I will remember something shortly and be like oh I should have written that but whatever....i'll remember it for next time....or I won't..I'm not sure what I may do next time.

Oh I did remember what I wanted to say about our tenant. First of all the place looked fine.....really she has it more decorated than I did and I was there for 99 years. It felt wierd to see my house with other peoples stuff in it and I wanted to be critical and remind her that this is only temporary. I will be back. But then I thought maybe she will attack my cabinets. for some reason whenever I think my tenant will get mad at me, I keep assuming she will hurt my cabinets. I am not sure why I think that. But it's always my cabinets I worry about. I also think she has a pet and is lying about that. She has lied about other things so who knows.

I am so hungry right now I wish I had another cinnabon. Again, this may have something to do with why I am gaining weight. But I still want it. I knew I should have bought some today.

Anyway, til next time...................Happy Cinnabon.

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